Saturday, December 28, 2013

Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs: Walking with the Innocents

The children slain by Herod were, of course, innocent because of their age.  Their deaths would be forgotten, however, if they had not been martyred for Jesus.  His time to die for us would come, but not until much later.

The reading from First John gives me a picture of what it means to walk in the light. I may fail time and time again, trying to follow Jesus, but it really isn't the failure that blots out the light. It is the pretense that there was no failure to begin with that blots the light out. I might think, "oh! that's not really a sin!" until I stop and think about how it might affect someone else.  This is so simple, and yet I often find myself complicating it; I cling to the lies that I tell myself about my sins as if the lies were a place of safety. Opening my eyes and heart to the truth has brought me the freedom to confess my sins, turn away from them, and live in the light of Christ. 

The most wonderful thing of all is that Jesus gave the whole world this same chance to live in the light with the innocents. 

How is God inviting you to be more open and free? Are there moments when you can be more real and honest with who you are with God and others? 

Reflected by Sharon Sullivan

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