Sunday, January 2, 2011

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

Go and search diligently for the child. When you have found him, bring me word, that I too may go and do him homage. - Mt 2, 8

To find the King of the kings, the Magi went on a journey, asked questions and shared their knowledge. They have taken steps to find Him and were rewarded with the most wonderful gift: to give respect to the Incarnate Presence of the Word. Through their hardship the Magi were able to find baby Jesus, give respect and change the course of their life. It was 3 people not from God chosen people who went on a journey to find God Emmanuel.

Herod on the other hand stayed on his throne and was waiting for other to find the Savior. It is an irony that Herod a Jew who knows more about the coming of the Savior did not actively look for the Promise One. The search for God is not about only about knowledge only: it's about an experience of relationship with God, with other and with us.

Like Herod, how many times did I want people like priests or people who live their faith to promptly give me answers to my faith questions? And when they kindly ask me to pray, to listen to God and to discern, I felt impatient and disappointed. I come to realize that answers to my questions about faith are not what really matters. What matters are the many opportunities I have to encounter Jesus intimately through my questions, concerns, my fears, and my littleness. But did I seize these moments in my life to be closer to Jesus?

Dear infant Jesus, please give me the grace to stand up and search diligently for your Presence and be transformed by you like you did for the Magi.

reflected by Michel Phan Huy

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